"S3 Episode 10: Hook Or Me"
"S3 Episode 11: Retirement"


Hello, my friends! This is Jas Hook. John Darling has graciously allowed me to use this space to write a guest piece this week. In case you missed the news, I got engaged! To a woman you K-Chron subscribers know well: Wendy Moira Angela Darling. So this week, I’m taking a moment to enumerate a few of the reasons why I asked her to marry me in the first place. I know that some of these reasons are a little cliché, but I think the reason something becomes a cliché is because it has an element of truth to it. So without further ado, I give you: The Top 5 Reasons I Love Wendy Darling.

Read Full Article on the Kensington Chronicle
"S3 Episode 10: Hook Or Me"
"S3 Episode 11: Retirement"