"S2 Episode 16: Daddy's Girl"
"S2 Episode 17: Lost Boys"

The Dating Game

We are, each of us, getting older.  Every second of every day.  And as we get older things change.  I’ve talked at length about how my sister Wendy has found a new life at JH Media, and how even Michael is running Dear Darling now and developing a life of his own.  Our family has been so tight knit for so much of our lives that as my siblings and I grow apart, I’m feeling a void of intimacy in my life that I don’t know quite how to deal with.  Trying to fill that void with work, clearly, is not the answer.  For a while, I’ve been trying to build up the courage to wade into the dating pool, but the concept remains wholly alien to me.

I fear I’ve missed that high school phase experimental phase that most of my peers went through, and I can never go back.  That sort of trial and error period where you throw caution to the wind, make your share of mistakes, and set a baseline for the rest of your romantic life.  Usually by my age, people have been around the block enough times to have received at least a little positive reinforcement in this area.  But now even asking somebody out seems like a bridge to far?  What it they say no?  I just don’t know if I could take that kind of rejection.

Read Full Article on the Kensington Chronicle
"S2 Episode 16: Daddy's Girl"
"S2 Episode 17: Lost Boys"

Extras for this Chapter

Ask Wendy - Doubt - Excerpt 3

Doubt isn’t necessarily bad, in fact, it’s inherently healthy. It is a bi-product of fear and fear is designed to protect us, to stop us from playing with that seemingly friendly grizzly bear, from eating the wrong color berries. Doubt is essentially a precursor of fear – Is this safe? Is this right? Is this wrong? Doubt is designed to jump start our reasoning, to ask us to examine the situation and weigh the outcomes. It’s like a Stop sign. Doubt gives you pause, asks you to check both ways, and proceed with caution.

Read Full Article on the Kensington Chronicle

Neverspeak Weekly

Ten Delicious Decades! As mentioned last week, the Jolly Roger Soda Ship is celebrating its 100th anniversary tomorrow, July 29th. The crew will be hosting an all-day party at the shop with yummy treats and music from Fish Girl Pond. In addition, shop owner Aimée Jolie will be posting an extensive history of the shop, chronicling its decades-long presence in Neverland and it’s ever-evolving role as a gathering place throughout the tumultuous twentieth century in America.

Reality Bites. Since the return of Jas Hook and Wendy Darling to Neverland, some Neverlandians have been tuning into the JHMedia Livestream to learn more about the company (and feed their curiosity about the power couple). Last Thursday those same Neverlandians witnessed a shocking confrontation between Hook and Neverland’s favorite son Peter Pan. Peter came across as, for lack of a better word, a bully. It will be interesting to see how he handles his new notoriousness.  Is the play really the thing?

Read Full Article on the Kensington Chronicle
"S2 Episode 16: Daddy's Girl"
"S2 Episode 17: Lost Boys"