All seems lost until Peter Pan shows up with a plan.
S2 Episode 28: He’s the Pan with the Plan
Extras for this Chapter

Self Help
written by Michael Darling
Dear Darling,
Hey Michael it’s Michael! How are you? Never mind I know exactly how you’re doing – you’re freaking out! Everything is changing and I don’t know what to do! Today I saw John wearing a wrinkled shirt. A WRINKLED SHIRT!!! If that is not a clear sign that these are the end times than I don’t know what is! So I guess my question to me is…How do you stay calm when you have no friggin’ idea what will happen next, and down is up, and right is wrong, and good is bad, and you’re completely OUT OF CHEESY POOFS!?!?!?!!1
Sincerely Michael Darling.
Well, Michael I can tell by your punctuation that you are A) very handsome B) very cool and C) super stressed out. And my advice to you is…I DON’T KNOW! And what do I do when I’m lost? Watch cartoons!!! So please enjoy this advice:
Read Full Article on the Kensington Chronicle
Ask Wendy - Setbacks - Excerpt 4
written by Wendy Darling
Life is always amazing and everything goes according to plan and nothing bad ever happens!
If that sounded like the silliest thing you’ve ever read, good! You’re a real person! Life isn’t always amazing, things rarely go to plan, and bad things happen…a lot. It’s important to know what to do when life hands you lemons. And it ain’t making lemonade! When life hands me lemons, I take a good look at those yellow jerks and throw most of them away! Seriously, who needs that many lemons? How much lemonade could one person possibly make!? I keep a few, like a reasonable normal person amount of lemons, and the rest? Chuck ’em.
Read Full Article on the Kensington Chronicle