"You'll believe in magic again"

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Help Crowdfund Season Two with the magic of Indiegogo

Posted on July 31, 2014 in Announcements, Hiatus Videos, News

We really want to make a Season Two of “The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy”… but we need your help!

Check out our amazing perks on our crowdfunding page at indiegogo: bit.ly/NPWfund

Anything you can do to help us out or spread the word would be much appreciated!

during hiatus

During hiatus between seasons one and two, we will be releasing 1-2 videos a week.  They’ll be mostly out-of-world, or behind-the-scenes, or other types of vlogs completely.  Here’s our first:

photo (2)

Nominate Us for the 4th Annual Streamy Awards!

Posted on July 22, 2014 in Announcements, News

So there’s this award show.  It’s called The Streamy Awards.  The show honors the best of online content, web series, actors, writing, costume design… it’s like the oscars… for the internet!    This year, they are allowing fans to help vote shows and actors into nomination.  That’s why we need your help!

If you believe in fairies, clap as hard as you can nominate us for all the Streamys!

It is super easy… just click the links below.

Oh, and share this page so we can get more people to nominate us, yay!

Best “Indie” Series

The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy – CLICK HERE TO VOTE


Best Ensemble Cast

Kyle Walters, Paula Rhodes, Brennan Murray, Graham Kurtz, Lovlee Carroll – CLICK HERE TO VOTE


Best Actress in a Comedy



Best Actor in a Comedy



Thank you for voting!  It’s your happy thoughts that help us fly!


A Night In Neverland – The Masquerade Ball

Posted on July 16, 2014 in Musings, News

by Shawn deLoache

When Kyle Walters and I set out to build our version of Neverland we knew one thing we wanted was to have a very interactive transmedia experience. We wanted to open the world up to the fans as much as possible and make them feel as much a part of the world and town of Neverland Ohio as we could.  We absolutely love playing in the world of New Peter and Wendy and wanted to make sure others got to share in that.  That’s the whole reason we did this series in the first place, to share our love and our story with others.

While our hearts we’re in the right place, our actual knowledge of how to do this was limited, so we brought on the transmedia God us mortals call EMMETT FUREY.  Emmett guided us in how the transmedia world worked and created twitter accounts for all the characters and helped us to create special side stories and events that happened only online.  Before we even launched the show, the world of Neverland was growing thanks to Emmett and thanks to our amazing fans.  Within hours of the New Peter and Wendy account going live on twitter we started having people create shops in Neverland, and personas of town people that live there.  It was absolutely incredible, and as the writer of the show I started taking notes on what and who was being created because, if I can, I want to give as many shout outs to our fans as I can in our future episode.  What seems to be forgotten by many people in this industry is that without our fans we’re nothing, this is not something I, or any of us at NPW, have or will ever forget. We love our fans and are incredible grateful for each and every one of them.

BUT I DIGRESS, sorry, I go on tangents from time to time…and by time to time I mean I’m always going on tangents.  What this was all leading up to was that our fans were helping us expand on the world and history of Neverland in a truly magical way, and we were paying attention! So when they came up with having a Midsummer’s Masquerade Ball, we knew we wanted to be a part of it.  By sheer lucky, or perhaps pixie dust, the ball was falling the day after Episode 15 aired. In this particular episode, Peter was taking Wendy on a scavenger hunt. In the script that’s where the story ended, but inspired by the fans we decided to have that scavenger hunt lead to Peter asking Wendy to the Masquerade Ball. SO, Kyle dusted off his Penguin suit, and Paula donned her pirate gear and the two set out to do a photo shoot commemorating the moment while Emmet and I came up with all the clues for the scavenger hunt pulling from the world we created and the ones the fans were helping us create….and in the end…the fans LOVED IT. They were so excited that we took what they created and made it an official part of our world and our lore, but as I mentioned earlier, how could we do any less for our amazing fans.

(Kyle’s note: you can see the scavengARR hunt by clicking right here)

NOW usually Emmett Furey runs all the character twitter accounts, BUT on the night of the ball he was having a party of his own…his birthday! But we couldn’t go through all of that and not have Peter, Wendy, and the gang show up…so I stepped in! I was visiting my folks in Texas and wouldn’t be able to attend Emmett’s party anyway, so I might as well spend my night in Neverland!

It had been awhile since I’d done any sort of RPing. I used to do it a lot when I was younger, mainly hanging out in Marvel’s online Danger Room pretending to be a mutant having awesome epic battles! (Well…I thought they were awesome and epic.)  But many moons had passed since then so I was a bit nervous…but then I just reminded myself that I make shit up for a living and to just go have fun.

To be honest, taking control of the characters was like coming home. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed them till I got to step back into their shoes.  The night was amazing. Some of the fans even dressed up for the event and posted pictures of themselves in costume.  I got to lead the group in doing “the sprinkler” as Michael, I got to go through proper shoe polishing etiquette as John, and I got to have a romantic and sweet lovers’ first dance with Peter and Wendy.  But most importantly, I got to play with the fans.  When all was said and done I had spent 3 hours hanging out with my fellow Neverlandians yet it felt like no time at all because of how much fun I was having.

So what’s the point of my ramblings here…it’s to say thank you, people of Neverland. Thank you for an amazing night, thank you for all your support, and thank you for being so incredibly wonderful.  You guys are the magic and I am humbled by you.


Your loyal scribe,
Shawn deLoache

Shop: Get Your Own Acorn Necklace!

Posted on July 1, 2014 in Announcements, News

Just added to the P+W store: Hand-crafted Acorn Necklace by Peter Pan (Kyle Walters) while he watches episodes of OUAT and eats chocolate ice cream.  (we promise!)

(limited quantity!)

This is the necklace that Peter Pan made for Wendy Darling as an apology for forgetting her birthday. This sweet good-luck-charm-turned-necklace captures both how Peter and Wendy met and their wonderful relationship.

You can get your own acorn necklace, too!

about the chain – 18″ of 1mm sterling silver curb chain

Click here to check out the Acorn Necklace in our store!

Shop: Our Merch Store is Open!

Posted on June 30, 2014 in Announcements, News

Click here to check out our awesome goods.

Welcome to Monday Merch Madness!

In celebration of hitting the wonderful milestone of ten thousand subscribers on YouTube, we have launched our online store! A place where you can help support future seasons and show-off how awesome you are by sporting NP+W pride!

Supporting local businesses, most of the printing is done by a fabulous print shop here in Los Angeles, CA Neverland, OH. The unisex-styled shirts are from another Los Angeles Neverland based company called Bella + Canvas. Chosen not only for the similarities in our names (Peter + Wendy… Bella + Canvas) but because their shirts are super soft and super comfortable. When it came to choosing a brand for the Women’s tees… I asked my super-stylish-sister (who lives in Petaluma, CA Narnia, CA) what her favorite t-shirt brand was. She said Alternative. So that’s what we’re printing on!

There are also posters and tote bags and thank you cards.

Do you have ideas/suggestions for more stuff you want? Just let us know and we’ll work on adding it!

Have a magical Merch Madness Monday Neverlandians!
-Sincerely Kyle Pan

Panel and Screening at Silicon Beach Festival

Posted on June 21, 2014 in Events, News

The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy was invited to screen at the “Digital Content Fest” this past Thursday (June 19) as a part of the Silicon Beach Fest.

We were honored to screen with our friend, Ed Robinson (creator-writer-actor of Pairings) and to meet the lovely Rory Uphold with her show Only in HeL.A.

Fun fact… did you know that our very own Paula Rhodes has a role in Season Two of Pairings? (it’s coming soon, so stay tuned)

After the screening, we all discussed how to get web series made and (more importantly) seen, answering questions from the audience.  After the Q&A there was mingling and partying.  Kyle found a free sunglasses table…

Fan Art Friday: June 13 “Peter Hearts Wendy”

Posted on June 14, 2014 in Fan Art Friday, News

In light of recent events in the episodes, here are some of totally bodacious (oh, yeah, bodacious is coming back) pieces of fan art/etc that include Peter “Hearting” Wendy.  Again, the selections by no mean encompass all of the awesome stuff that you all are making… ’tis just a sampling.  Each and every fan gif, reaction, artwork makes me kilig.

Some Drawings!


Thanks for the fun sketch, Gina! (@Peril_in_Pink) – original source: https://twitter.com/Peril_in_Pink/status/471500991247167488/photo/1


so cute and romantic!  thanks “therarepotterheadedsloth”! source: http://therarepotterheadedsloth.tumblr.com/post/88559860823/the-skeleton-tree-in-the-summer

peterhearts-3also from “therarepotterheadedsloth”!  Peter and Wendy as cats!  Looks like Peter gets into trouble no matter his species.  source: http://therarepotterheadedsloth.tumblr.com/post/88622866053/peter-and-wendy-as-cats

Cool “Got the Feels” Image

peter-hearts4Pulls at my heart-strings.  Thanks “Disneysnowprincess!”  source: http://disneysnowprincess.tumblr.com/post/88632016523/fav-web-series-ever-the-new-adventures-of

Some 8tracks

Who said the mixtape was dead? Check out these song compilations!  

Okay, that’s it for this week!  Thanks, Pandom!

– Kyle Pan


Fan Art Friday: June 6 “Firsts”

Posted on June 7, 2014 in Fan Art Friday, News

Oh my goodness.  So the show is now almost a month into its run.  The fans are loving “The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy”.  So much so, that I’ve decided to post some of my/our favorite pieces of fan art every Friday.  The selections by no mean encompass all of the awesome stuff that you all are making… ’tis just a sampling.  Today we will look at some of our firsts.  Without further ado…

Our Very First Animated Gif!

This gif-set was posted on Tumblr before our first episode aired, shortly after our trailer was released.  Thanks freelance-adventurer.tumblr.com for the gif!  Here’s a link to the source: 


first1first2 first3

Our First Puppets!

On the first day that our show had aired…Katie had made puppets of Peter and Wendy!  And then the next day, she made animated gifs of them dancing like Peter and Wendy from our opening credits.  Both my mom AND my sister immediately wanted to know if they could be purchased on etsy. 🙂

Original link to the puppets: http://alsokatie.tumblr.com/post/85255307008/puppet-ized-peter-and-wendy-from

Original link to the animated gifs: http://alsokatie.tumblr.com/post/85383033538/peter-wendy-puppet-gifs-because-reasons

puppet1puppet2 puppet3puppet-animated3 puppet-animated2 puppet-animated1

Our First FanFiction!

Reading fan fiction is such a total joy for me!  I love seeing all of the character nuances that the writer picks up from our performances.  It also gives me a chance to continue living/experiencing the feelings of the character… months after we’ve finished filming. 

Here’s a link to the story, in all of it’s glory:

Thanks to “of ocean-blue storms” for writing it!


Our First Fan Video!

Yay Darling Pan!  AerisCruent put together this fan video of our show!  (watch the video… and then go to it’s youtube page and read the description, to get a taste of the power of Darling Pan.  (here’s the youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCj8ACnVs28)



The fan reaction/interaction/creation fills our hearts and helps us continue making awesome shows.  Have a magical week! 

Do you have some fan art that you’ve made or found that you really want us to see?  email us at: thenewpeterandwendy@gmail.com

Thank you so much!
-Kyle “Peter Pan” Walters

Screening with videoink

Posted on May 30, 2014 in Events, News

Last night (Thursday May 29), we were honored to have been invited to the latest in Video Ink‘s monthly screening/discussion series.  This month’s topic was “The Trick to Video Shareability: How to Give Your Content Social Lift” and had an enlightening discussion with Ze Frank (EVP of Video, BuzzFeed) and Kai Hasson (Co-Founder & Creative Director, Portal A).  Fun fact: Kyle Walters (our Peter Pan) recently filmed a short with Portal A.  The night was hosted by the lovely Jocelyn Johnson.

Much networking was to be had.  After the screening, “The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy” co-creators Kyle Walters and Shawn deLoache (as seen in the picture) discussed the show and how integral the transmedia elements are to making the show have a full life.

Thanks for having us, Video Ink!

Season One Premiere Party

Posted on May 8, 2014 in Events, News

On Tuesday night (May 6th) the best and brightest of the Los Angeles internet community came together and celebrated the launch of “The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy”.

We gathered at a wonderful venue called The Parlor, right in Hollywood, on a little street called Melrose Avenue.  This “green carpet” event could not have happened without the wonderful sponsorship by Lootcrate and Modcloth.  Event photography was lovingly done by Killer Cupcake Event Photography.

The first three episodes (along with the trailer) were screened for a crowd of approximately 200!  People were excitedly tweeting about the show… and our hashtag #newpeterwendy was trending on twitter in the USA! yay!

Below are some pictures from the event.  To view them all, check out the album on our facebook page.
