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Fan Art Friday: June 13 “Peter Hearts Wendy”

Posted on June 14, 2014 in Fan Art Friday, News

In light of recent events in the episodes, here are some of totally bodacious (oh, yeah, bodacious is coming back) pieces of fan art/etc that include Peter “Hearting” Wendy.  Again, the selections by no mean encompass all of the awesome stuff that you all are making… ’tis just a sampling.  Each and every fan gif, reaction, artwork makes me kilig.

Some Drawings!


Thanks for the fun sketch, Gina! (@Peril_in_Pink) – original source: https://twitter.com/Peril_in_Pink/status/471500991247167488/photo/1


so cute and romantic!  thanks “therarepotterheadedsloth”! source: http://therarepotterheadedsloth.tumblr.com/post/88559860823/the-skeleton-tree-in-the-summer

peterhearts-3also from “therarepotterheadedsloth”!  Peter and Wendy as cats!  Looks like Peter gets into trouble no matter his species.  source: http://therarepotterheadedsloth.tumblr.com/post/88622866053/peter-and-wendy-as-cats

Cool “Got the Feels” Image

peter-hearts4Pulls at my heart-strings.  Thanks “Disneysnowprincess!”  source: http://disneysnowprincess.tumblr.com/post/88632016523/fav-web-series-ever-the-new-adventures-of

Some 8tracks

Who said the mixtape was dead? Check out these song compilations!  

Okay, that’s it for this week!  Thanks, Pandom!

– Kyle Pan


Fan Art Friday: June 6 “Firsts”

Posted on June 7, 2014 in Fan Art Friday, News

Oh my goodness.  So the show is now almost a month into its run.  The fans are loving “The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy”.  So much so, that I’ve decided to post some of my/our favorite pieces of fan art every Friday.  The selections by no mean encompass all of the awesome stuff that you all are making… ’tis just a sampling.  Today we will look at some of our firsts.  Without further ado…

Our Very First Animated Gif!

This gif-set was posted on Tumblr before our first episode aired, shortly after our trailer was released.  Thanks freelance-adventurer.tumblr.com for the gif!  Here’s a link to the source: 


first1first2 first3

Our First Puppets!

On the first day that our show had aired…Katie had made puppets of Peter and Wendy!  And then the next day, she made animated gifs of them dancing like Peter and Wendy from our opening credits.  Both my mom AND my sister immediately wanted to know if they could be purchased on etsy. 🙂

Original link to the puppets: http://alsokatie.tumblr.com/post/85255307008/puppet-ized-peter-and-wendy-from

Original link to the animated gifs: http://alsokatie.tumblr.com/post/85383033538/peter-wendy-puppet-gifs-because-reasons

puppet1puppet2 puppet3puppet-animated3 puppet-animated2 puppet-animated1

Our First FanFiction!

Reading fan fiction is such a total joy for me!  I love seeing all of the character nuances that the writer picks up from our performances.  It also gives me a chance to continue living/experiencing the feelings of the character… months after we’ve finished filming. 

Here’s a link to the story, in all of it’s glory:

Thanks to “of ocean-blue storms” for writing it!


Our First Fan Video!

Yay Darling Pan!  AerisCruent put together this fan video of our show!  (watch the video… and then go to it’s youtube page and read the description, to get a taste of the power of Darling Pan.  (here’s the youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCj8ACnVs28)



The fan reaction/interaction/creation fills our hearts and helps us continue making awesome shows.  Have a magical week! 

Do you have some fan art that you’ve made or found that you really want us to see?  email us at: thenewpeterandwendy@gmail.com

Thank you so much!
-Kyle “Peter Pan” Walters
