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Season Three is Here!

Posted on December 15, 2016 in Announcements, News

Hello Neverlandians!

Your friendly neighborhood Kyle-Guy here…  there is some BIG NEWS to share with you today.  The last three years has been one of the greatest adventures of my life – full of glorious ups and character-defining downs.  I feel like I have grown immeasurably as a storyteller and a person.  This is in no small part due to the awesomely creative people involved in the production, my uber-talented co-creator Shawn deLoache, and of course ALL OF YOU, the glorious Neverlandians!  

Together we’ve made an epic trilogy of awesomeness.  Thank you.

And without further ado, may I present to you the third-and-final season of “The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy.”

starting Dec 15th: Watch on fullscreen

Starting… TODAY… you can watch ALL of Season Three on fullscreen.  Pop some popcorn, grab your fairy, and binge the whole thing!  Click on over to watch all of the goodness: www.newpeterwendy.com/s3  You can sign up for a free 1-week trial… because who doesn’t love free stuff, right?  

Feb 2017: Watch on Youtube + Transmedia Experience

Starting in mid-February 2017 we will be releasing Season Three twice-a-week on our Youtube channel (if you haven’t subscribed yet… you should! – www.youtube.com/EpicRobotTV

During this time (February – April) we invite you all to return to Neverland Ohio, as all of our characters will be back on Twitter and we’ll have plenty of in-world events and surprises and adventures for all.  We will be having tons of extra content for spectators as well as roleplayers – not to be missed!

Emmett, our Transmedia Producer, has a message about that! scroll all of the way down or click here.

March/April 2017: Want the DVD? How about a Soundtrack?

In March/April we’ll have a chance to order the Season Three DVD… and soundtrack… so stay tuned!

(you can get Season One and Season Two on DVD over at our online store!)

I hope you enjoy Season Three!

Never fully let go of your playful enjoyment of life – or rather… Never grow up,
Kyle “the Pan with the Plan” Walters


Message to the Role-Players

Emmett Furey here, NPW’s intrepid transmedia producer. Thought I’d take a minute to explain how the Fullscreen release will impact the transmedia experience for our final season. If you wait to watch until the show is on our YouTube channel, you’ll get the same experience you had the first two seasons. BUT if you binge-watch it when Fullscreen beforehand, you’re still going to want to experience it for a second time, in real-time, when we release on YouTube, to get the final chapter of the transmedia story.  And if some of you Neverland roleplayers are worried that the magic will be gone, playing in our transmedia sandbox during a second viewing instead of the first, I’d encourage you to think of it as more of an opportunity!  You’ve already been deftly weaving your own characters’ stories into the tapestry of the story world we’ve all been building together. If you take a sneak peek at the entire season before playing in Neverland this final time, you’ll be all the better equipped to fashion a narrative for your characters that dovetails with the events that bring the series to a close. So get ready to join us in Neverland for TWO last times. Second star to the right, and straight on till morning.

Holiday Sale! Shop Open! New Merch!

Posted on November 22, 2016 in Announcements, News


We have re-opened the New Peter Wendy merch store just in time for the holidays.  We’ve added cool new items… AND THERE’S A SALE!  We’ve never done that before… and we may never again!

So check it out and get something sweet for a friend yourself.  The sale only lasts until 11:59pm December 8th, Neverland Ohio time.

Check out all of the goodness over here: www.newpeterwendy.com/shop

Watch Seasons One and Two on BinjTV

Posted on March 24, 2016 in Announcements, News

If you’re looking for a good place to re-watch seasons one and two (or share the show with a friend) why not check out binjTV? 

Watch The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy on binjTV

We’re one of their featured shows!


#myNeverland – Who Are Your Darlings?

Posted on March 9, 2016 in Announcements, News

#myNeverladn – Who Are Your Darlings? tag ’em and share on any/all of the social mediums!

and if you can donate to season three, go here: http://bit.ly/makeNPW

here are Paula Rhodes’ darlings:


Wendy and Peter magnets! ONE DAY ONLY

Posted on March 8, 2016 in Announcements, News

Our $10 Tuesday perks have begun!  Every tuesday we will do a new fun $10 perk… it’s only going to be available for 24 hours… so get ’em while they last.  You can always buy more than one!

Check it out here: http://bit.ly/makeNPW

Today… it’s Wendy and Peter from a very special star-crossed season two episode.



$5 Friday – Signed Print – Lily and Michael

Posted on March 4, 2016 in Announcements, News

We will be having a few ONE DAY ONLY perks throughout the campaign.  Just some fun little goodies!  Collect them all!  So today is the first $5 FRIDAY!

A print of Lily Bagha and Michael Darling from Season Two, signed by the wonderful actors themselves (Lovlee Carroll and Brennan Murray).

Get it while it lasts! – bit.ly/makeNPW


Help Fund Our Season 3 Campaign on Indiegogo

Posted on March 2, 2016 in Announcements, News

We have launched an indiegogo campaign to help make the final season of our fan-favorite, award-winning web series “The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy.”

Please check out our indiegogo here: http://igg.me/at/newpeterwendy/x/3728536

We have a ton of cool perks that you can choose from.  OR you can just donate.  OR you can share it with all of your friends and family and rich people you know.  ANY of these things make you a truly awesome person and a real Neverlandian.

(go to the end of this post to find some cool social media profile images and banners!)


Social Media Profiles, etc

(right click to save as)

the second two are for image editors to put an image of yours behind the text.  🙂





Fan Questions for Cast and Crew

Posted on February 16, 2016 in Announcements, News


Fan Questions are closed for the time being.

Have a magical day!


Please Vote Everyday for the Geekies!

Posted on August 12, 2015 in Announcements, News

Vote Our Show Every Day For the Geekie Awards!

Click here and share this link: bit.ly/npwgeekies


The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy for Best Scripted Web Series

The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy is one of five awesome web series that have been nominated for The Geekie Awards (Best Scripted Web Series)!  The winner is chosen by fan votes.  Fans can vote once a day until August 31st… so vote every day!  click here to vote – bit.ly/npwgeekies

Daily Reminder Calendar!

(right-click image to save as, or click here)



NPW Vote Social Profile/Banners

(right-click image to save as OR click here)

Profile Pic:


Facebook Banner: (click here)


Twitter Banner: (click here)


Geekie Memes

(right-click to save as)





Have any other cool ideas for things we could use to spread the word?

Let us know: newpeterwendy@gmail.com

We Made It! Season Two here we come!

Posted on September 10, 2014 in Announcements, Hiatus Videos, News

WE MADE OUR GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so so so much to everyone who donated or shared or has loyally watched our show!  You guys are the bestest!

Here’s a thank you video from the cast and crew of The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy.

Season Two?  Well it’s definitely going to happen.  We will let you know news as things progress!

also… to celebrate the last 4 hours of the campaign… we did a live cast! If you want to watch it, here it is:
