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- Entertainment Weekly

How Can I Interact with the Show?

Posted on February 19, 2017 in Announcements, News

How to get started

What can I do while I’m in Neverland, Ohio?  There is something for everybody, whether you’re a casual explorer (who just wants to look and learn) or whether you’re a pioneering pirate (who wants to build and interact!) The K-Chron is here to help you make the most of Neverland, Ohio.

Are you a Casual Explorer? (beginner)

There are lots of things you can do from the comfort of your own home!

  1. Subscribe to the weekly email edition of the K-Chron (see form in sidebar at www.kensingtonchronicle.com)
    You’ll get all of our awesome articles delivered right to your inbox every Sunday!
  2. Learn about the town’s hotspots
  3. Find out about the staff of The K-Chron
  4. Follow our VIP Residents on Twitter (Twitter list link)
    You’ll be able to learn more about what they are up to, as well as their convos:

Are you a Social Mermaid? (medium)

Do you want to interact a little bit more?

  1. Any of the above, plus…
  2. Need advice?  Ask Wendy! (fill out her form on her page)
    Ask Wendy Live Event on March 1st at 10pm EST!
  3. Show your Neverland Pride on Twitter
    Change your location to Neverland, Ohio or create a new Twitter made just for your Neverland Alias!
  4. Converse with our VIP Residents (above).  They’ll talk back!
  5. Connect with other Neverlandians at this Twitter List
  6. Keep an eye on the Event Calendar to participate in Neverland Events
  7. Look for Love or Friendship on The K-Chron’s OpenWindow (coming March 3rd)
  8. Join the Town Ledger (a list of people living in Neverland)
  9. Send us a message at our digital mailroom

Are you a Pioneering Pirate? (advanced)

Do you want to get really involved?

  1. Any of the above, plus…
  2. Have you heard about gossip around town?  Tell Morgan Skylights at Neverspeak!
    You could even make a Storify and document the goings-on
  3. Create a Twitter account for your Neverland Business and let us know about it!
  4. Add your own event to the event calendar
  5. Add yourself to OpenWindow (coming March 3rd)
  6. Have other ideas or things you’ve done?  Let us know!
